Montessori Society AMI (UK)

Schools and Other Services 

The Services listed below are run by Montessori Society members. Entry on this list does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement. The listings on our website carrying the ‘School Membership’ logo demonstrate the schools’ commitment to keep their Montessori practice refreshed and relevant, through attendance at the Society’s professional development events for staff. 

What to look for when choosing a setting:

  • The class is led by a teacher who holds a Montessori diploma(s) for the appropriate ages: 0-3, 3-6, 6-12 or 12-18.
  • Classes are of mixed ages, for example 2.5 to 6 years.
  • Sessions offer an uninterrupted work period of at least two and a half hours during which children are supported to work independently and come together spontaneously - developing concentration and social skills. Note: Classes for under 3s may be shorter.
  • The classroom is well maintained, orderly and attractive - encouraging children to choose freely from the materials and engage with the activities presented.

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